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Bidder Code criteo Member yes
Prebid.js Adapter yes Prebid Server Adapter yes
Media Types display, video, native Multi Format Support will-bid-on-any
TCF-EU Support yes IAB GVL ID 91
GPP Support some (check with bidder) DSA Support yes
USP/CCPA Support yes COPPA Support yes
Supply Chain Support yes Demand Chain Support check with bidder
Safeframes OK check with bidder Supports Deals check with bidder
Floors Module Support yes First Party Data Support yes
User IDs britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, pubProvidedId, sharedId, unifiedId ORTB Blocking Support check with bidder
Privacy Sandbox check with bidder Prebid Server App Support check with bidder


This bidder adapter automatically includes the Criteo User ID module and performs iFrame syncs.

Prebid-Server support is on alpha test and is currently a non-finished product. Activation requires setup and approval before beginning. Please reach out to your account manager or for more details.

Bid Params

Name Scope Description Example Type
zoneId required (deprecated) The zone ID from Criteo. Should be replaced by networkId when using zone matching. 234234 integer
networkId required The network ID from Criteo. Please reach out your Criteo representative for more details. 456456 integer
pubid required publisher id 'ABC123' string
nativeCallback optional (Prebid.js only) Callback to perform render in native integrations. Please reach out your Criteo representative for more details. function(payload) { console.log(payload); } function
integrationMode optional (Prebid.js only) Integration mode to use for ad render (none or ‘AMP’). Please reach out your Criteo representative for more details. 'AMP' string
publisherSubId optional Custom identifier for reporting. Please reach out your Criteo representative for more details. 'adunit-1' string

First Party Data

Criteo supports both ortb2 and ortb2Imp methods to set First Party Data.

The standard Open RTB properties supported from ortb2 / ortb2Imp are described in the following table.

Name Scope Description Example Type
ortb2.user optional Details via a Open RTB User object about the human user of the device; the advertising audience. N/A object optional Details via a Open RTB Site object about the publisher’s website. N/A object
ortb2Imp.rwdd optional Indicates whether the user receives a reward for viewing the ad, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. 1 integer

Besides these standard properties, ext field can be used to send any publisher specific data which may have been discussed with a Criteo representative.

Video Object

Name Scope Description Example Type
minduration optional Minimum ad duration in seconds 5 integer
startdelay optional Duration offset (in second) from the start of the content for showing the video ad before the start of the Video. Pre-roll: 0 (default); Mid-roll: >0; Default mid-roll: -1; Post-roll: -2; 5 integer
playbackmethod required Defines how the video inventory is initiated. Page Load with Sound On: 1; Page Load with Sound Off: 2; Click with Sound On: 3; Mouse-Over with Sound On: 4; Entering Viewport with Sound On: 5; Entering Viewport with Sound Off by Default: 6; [4, 5] Array<integer>
placement required Video placement type. In-Stream: 1; In-Banner: 2; In-Article: 3: In-Feed: 4; Interstitial: 5; 1 integer
skip required Ability from the video player for the user to skip the video. Not skippable: 0; Skippable: 1; 1 integer

In addition, Criteo adapter relies on parameters specified in the definition of the video ad-units, namely:

Name Scope Description Example Type
context required outstream, instream or long-form instream string
mimes required List of the content MIME types supported by the player ["video/mp4"] Array<string>
playerSize required Width and height of the player [640, 480] Array<integer>
protocols required Supported video bid response protocols. VAST 1.0: 1; VAST 2.0: 2; VAST 3.0: 3; VAST 1.0 Wrapper: 4; VAST 2.0 Wrapper: 5; VAST 3.0 Wrapper: 6; [5, 6] Array<integer>
maxduration required Maximum ad duration in seconds 20 integer
api required API frameworks supported. VPAID 1.0: 1; VPAID 2.0: 2; MRAID 1.0: 3; ORMMA: 4; MRAID 2.0: 5; MRAID 3.0: 6; OMID 1.0: 7; [1, 2] Array<integer>
plcmt optional 1=in-stream, 2=accompanying content, 3=interstitial, 4=no content/standalone. Highly recommended to comply with new IAB video specifications. 1 integer

Example of Video Ad-unit

var adUnits = [
    code: 'video1',
    mediaTypes: {
        video: {
            playerSize: [640, 480],
            context: 'instream',
            mimes: ["video/mp4"],
            maxduration: 30,
            api: [1, 2],
            playerSize: [640,480],
            protocols: [2, 3],
            skip: 0,
            playbackmethod: [1],
            placement: 1
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'criteo',
        params: {
            zoneId: 1455580

Additional Config (Optional)

If you don’t want to use the FastBid adapter feature, you can disable it via this configuration:

  'criteo': {
    fastBidVersion: 'none',

Criteo teams are planning to completely remove this feature with Prebid 9.0

Criteo Bid Adapter supports the collection of the user’s hashed email, if available.

Please consider passing it to the adapter, following these guidelines.

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_criteo hb_bidder_criteo hb_adid_criteo
hb_size_criteo hb_source_criteo hb_format_criteo
hb_cache_host_criteo hb_cache_id_criteo hb_uuid_criteo
hb_cache_path_criteo hb_deal_criteo

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