Individual Ad Unit Refresh / Infinite Scroll
About this example:
- Demonstrates the ability to refresh individual ad units. This is useful for infinite scrolling ad slots.
- Keep in mind that when auto-refreshing is done incorrectly, it could cause the same bids to be rendered repeatedly. For instance, when googletag.pubads.refresh() is called directly without removing the PBJS targeting, the same hb_ variables get re-sent to GAM, re-chosen, and re-rendered over and over without ever asking PBJS for updated targeting variables. See Auction Options for more info.
This example uses a test version of Prebid.js hosted on our CDN that is not recommended for production use.
In the JSFiddle example below:
- Click Result to see the example output.
- Click Edit in JSFiddle to open the example in the JSFiddle editor in a new tab.
This example includes all available adapters and modules. Production implementations should build from source or customize the build using the
Download page to make sure only the necessary bidder adapters and modules are included.
Further Reading