AAX Blockmeter Realtime Data Module


The module enables publishers with an AAX relationship to measure traffic coming from visitors using adblockers.

AAX can also help publishers monetize this traffic by allowing them to serve acceptable ads to these adblock visitors and recover their lost revenue. Reach out to us to know more.

Disclosure: This module loads external code that is not open source and has not been reviewed by Prebid.org.


This module is configured as part of the realTimeData.dataProviders object.

Name Scope Description Example Type
name required Real time data module name 'aaxBlockmeter' string
params required     Object
params.pub required AAX to share pub ID, Reach out to us to know more! 'AAX000000' string
params.url optional AAX Blockmeter Script Url. Defaults to 'c.aaxads.com/aax.js?ver=1.2' 'c.aaxads.com/aax.js?ver=1.2' string

Basic Example

    realTimeData: {
        dataProviders: [{
            name: 'aaxBlockmeter',
            params: {
                pub: 'AAX000000',
                url: 'c.aaxads.com/aax.js?ver=1.2',

Targeting sent to GAM

For each prebid adUnit we pass the following key value to GAM by default

Google Slot Id Prebid Adunit Code Targeting Key Targeting Value
slotA code-1 atk code-1


To install the module, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Prepare the base Prebid file

  • Option 1: Use Prebid Download page to build the prebid package. Ensure that you do check AAX Blockmeter Realtime Module module

  • Option 2: From the command line, run gulp build --modules=aaxBlockmeterRtdProvider,rtdModule,...

Step 2: Set configuration

Enable AAX Blockmeter Real Time Module using pbjs.setConfig

    realTimeData: {
        dataProviders: [{
            name: 'aaxBlockmeter',
            params: {
                pub: 'AAX000000'