Greenbids Realtime Module


The Greenbids RTD adapter allows to dynamically filter calls to SSP to reduce outgoing call to the programmatics chain, reducing ad serving carbon impact


This module is configured as part of the realTimeData.dataProviders object.

Name Scope Description Example Type
name required Real time data module name 'greenbidsRtdProvider' string
waitForIt required (mandatory true value) Tells prebid auction to wait for the result of this module 'true' boolean
params required     Object
params.pbuid required The client site id provided by Greenbids. 'TEST_FROM_GREENBIDS' string
params.timeout optional (default 200) Maximum amount of milliseconds allowed for module to finish working (has to be <= to the realTimeData.auctionDelay property) 200 number


const greenbidsDataProvider = {
  name: 'greenbidsRtdProvider',
  waitForIt: true,
  params: {
    timeout: 200
  realTimeData: {
    auctionDelay: 200,
    dataProviders: [greenbidsDataProvider]


To install the module, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Contact Greenbids to get a pbuid and account

Step 2: Integrate the Greenbids Analytics Adapter (see prebid Analytics modules)

Step 3: Prepare the base Prebid file

  • Option 1: Use Prebid Download page to build the prebid package. Ensure that you do check Greenbids Realtime Module module

  • Option 2: From the command line, run gulp build --modules=greenbidsRtdProvider,...

Step 4: Set configuration

Enable Greenbids Real Time Module using pbjs.setConfig. Example is provided in Configuration section.